Keep it Simple

I have often asked myself how can I be a better coach?  As I did this, I clicked a link in an email to the Coaching Tools Company and the answer was right there “Be a better coach by aligning your life with your values". This made perfect sense to be given I work with developing strengths and continuing to work with and learn about my greatest strengths and learning how to apply them to my life, being authentic in my work and my relationships. 

The author talks about embracing the concept of “Voluntary Simplicity” a philosophy developed by Henry Walden Thoreau in the late 1800s. The concept itself have existed in different forms since even earlier being traced back to 300BC when a Greek philosopher; Epicurus advocated simple, moderate living.  The Japanese also embrace the concept of Shibui to mean “elegant simplicity.”

This idea is not about denying what you want or need in favour of a minimalist lifestyle, it is about embracing your values and beliefs in a way that is authentic and meaningful to you.  Making deliberate choices.  Putting your energy in the right place at the right time for the right reasons.
Being able to direct your energy to those deliberate choices you naturally develop balance and lead a fuller more enjoyable life.  living a simpler more elegant “shibui” style life can reduce stress, while eliminating busy work. In the words of Rachel Hunter “it won’t happen overnight, but it will happen” all you need to do is redirect your energy into areas of life you choose.

WE all have different values, different strengths but we can learn to work with them more effectively. We just need to be more make more deliberate choices on how we distribute our energy.

There are a lot of ideas on how to simplify and create a happier life. Make a list of the most important people in your life.  after all we are the average of those we associate with. Do those people reflect your values? Are you spending time people you genuinely care for and who care for you? If not, perhaps consider making the decision to spend time with those who will nourish your soul.

Love of learning may not be a character strength however you don’t need to necessarily pick up a new hobby or find a new profession.  What are you good at?  What do you enjoy? Perhaps you played piano when you were younger and want to do it again.  How often have you said “I used to do that”?

Don’t be afraid to give something up in the pursuit of happiness.

Can’t Focus on just one thing?  That’s ok, set time aside to work on each of your different projects, if the goal may not be to finish the job but to give you the sense of enjoyment that comes with tinkering with that classic car or  writing that next great novel.  Perhaps you’re a person who has to get the job done! That’s great, if that’s the case finish the job. different strokes for different folks.  Doing just one things can be great for focus and there is no greater joy for some that finishing the job and having a sense of achievement.

Meditation not mindfulness. They are different, remember keep it simple. Meditation will help to filter though all those extra thoughts that go through our minds. Remember its about what works for you, find a spot, sit close your eyes for a while let your mind go. That thought that sicks might just be the one that is important right now.

The key is to shift you away from habits that are filling your life with all the extras that you probably don’t need. Only you will know what works for you so get ready to embrace it.  What are your values really?  Work toward creating a life that embraces them. 

Remember you have to start somewhere my only suggestion is to figure out one thing at a time be kind to yourself and big change begins with small steps n the right direction. 

Simplifying isn’t easy but it can help to remove some of the pressures.  Baby steps. Start with that top drawer in the kitchen that is filled with everything yet nothing. All those bens that don’t work or scraps of paper with 3-year-old phone messages. You know what I mean. 

So what’s next? Ask yourself, what one area of my life could be simpler? Remember, start small
If you want a help identifying your strengths and how to work with them take the test.

For support in developing  strengths to simplify some aspect of life I work with small groups and individuals face to face and online


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